Freedom, flexibility.

and peace of mind for all real estate owners.


All data on the NFT is verified by real world legal persons hired as verifiers on the platform


Once NFT is minted, the verified data is owned by the owner, who is allowed to mint the token.


The NFT can then be used for various modules like inheritance, notary, fractionalization, lending and many others. It is the foundation of RealFi in the area of real estate



White Paper Q2 2023

Global Advisory Board constituted Q2 2023

Platform Architecture completion and start of platform build Q2 & Q3 2023

Phase 1 of REITcircles platform Platform launch on LiveNet Q3 2023



Verification Service


Crypto friendly





Through REITcircles, homeowners tap into a vast buyer pool, raising capital once assets are verified and hosted online. Buyers bid instantly, allowing quick peer to peer transactions


Liquidity through Fractionalizing

Fractional sales provide liquidity without loss of full ownership


Self To Do Portal

An easy to navigate portal to the marketplace


Buyback Option

Partial asset sale offers buyback choice within a limited time


Repayment Insurance

Enables release of equity for full repayment against automatic token release


Verification Service

Smooth onboarding through a network of partners


for Investors

REITcircles offers large retail investors a global platform featuring instant settlement and small investors, an access to real estate assets for smaller denominations due to fractionalization.


Market Graded

Tokenized assets offer transparent rates with no hidden cost


Minimal Market Shifts

Non-leveraged assets balance and minimize market shifts


Fractional Ownership

Facilitating fractional short or long term investments



Rigorous verification standards ensure transparency and credibility


Verification Service

Smooth onboarding through a network of partners

REIT token is the lifeblood of the REITcircles platform. It is a limited edition utility token to unlock the global opportunities within REITcircles- well aligned with the crypto adoption curve. Based on the ADA coin of Cardano, REIT tokens enable peer-to-peer transactions between the buyer and seller and can be utilized for other exclusive offerings within the REITcircles platform





4 Layer Backend Architecture


REIT Tokens


Road Map

The Genesis Entity Legal Setup

Ensuring all legal compliances for the project

The Genesis DAO Legal Structure:

Legal structuring for empowered Decentralized Autonomous Organization

The Genesis Corporate Website

Highlighting the project vision, milestones and folks driving the vision

Gaining Momentum User Platform

Completion of the first phase development of a decentralized verified marketplace

Gaining Momentum Smart Contracts Integration

Enable the foundational integrations to empower platform users for DAO, NFT Bond, Equity Tokens, Basic Swap

Gaining Momentum Admin Portal

Integration of Admin functionalities for backend management

Gaining Momentum KYC

Integration of KYC protocols within decentralized ecosystem to ensure global compliances

Gaining Momentum Marketplace for Value Chain Participants

Integration via plugins to major real estate platforms globally

Gaining Momentum Stable Coin Integration

For enabling ease of banking connectivity and Genius Loans functionality

Present perfect Community connect

With focused reach initiatives and social media presence

Present perfect Collaboration with other platforms

Actively seek collaborations with complimentary players in Web 3.0 ecosystem

Present perfect Launch of ReitTokens

An utility token with massive upside aligned with the upcoming crypto bull run

Present perfect Initial Stake Pool Offering (ISPO)

Launch the ISPO for token distribution

Future Frontier Beyond bootstrap

Collaborate with investors for funding

Future Frontier Stablecoin + Credit Score Integration

ntegrate stablecoin functionality and credit score systems Lending Platform Module Launch

Future Frontier Select Market penetration

Onboarding users for targeted global markets

Future Frontier Ecosystem Development Fund

Establish a fund dedicated to ecosystem development

The Genesis

Entity Legal Setup

Ensuring all legal compliances for the project

The Genesis

DAO Legal Structure:

Legal structuring for empowered Decentralized Autonomous Organization

The Genesis

Corporate Website

Highlighting the project vision, milestones and folks driving the vision

Frequently Asked


REITcircles is a platform that enables individuals and corporations to monetise their equity in real-estate holdings in an international open market by selling partial ownerships into their assets without losing control over the assets

REITcircles is a platform that makes any real estate accessible to global markets for investment. Equity owners can raise cash by selling partial stakes without losing control and have the option to buyback. Real estate agents can use this platform to create a global business

Traditionally, regulated financial institutions, escrow agencies, title insurance, county records, and notaries played the role of trust keepers. They ensured that the financial system and real-world assets are transacted and recorded in an approved way. Blockchain technology rigidly enforced that trust. As a result, lower costs and faster settlement of transactions enable a global marketplace for all real-estate assets. The unit of value used on this blockchain is called a Token. And this value unit helps transact real estate assets between buyers and sellers. This process is called tokenization

A blockchain is a chain of software blocks where each block contains a record of value transactions happening on the network. The creation of each block is governed by a mechanism known as proof of work (POW) or proof of stake (POS). In POW,a mathematical problem is solved and the fastest is granted the right to create a block and insert the transaction inside that block. Furthermore, each block is linked to the other by a hash of the content of the other block. In POS, the blocks are verified by a group of actors (computers in the network), and the selection of these actors is based on the amount of tokens (stake) they hold. Both these systems embed Trust via a chain of transactions, and this chain continues to become more robust, over time, against attacks and manipulation. That is why even though the chains are open-sourced, and data is visible to the public, no one can change the content of these chains. And since Trust can now be delegated to the chain, intermediaries like banks or notaries are no longer needed

Not now, but eventually, the protocol uniformity will make this possible

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